Calling all Welsh schools! Our Welsh Eco-Champion Competition is well and truly underway. Here at Dragon Bags, we’re super eager to encourage children to be aware of the importance of textile recycling and how they can make a difference in reducing their carbon footprints.
In the UK alone, we produce over 1 Million tonnes of textile waste every year – that’s enough to fill Wembley Stadium! At Dragon Bags, not only do we provide schools with the resources to help recycle their unwanted clothes, we also help them raise money for their much needed school funds, whilst providing countries that are less fortunate than us, with clothes and shoes.
Throughout the school terms, our very own Daffi the Dragon will be hosting a competition to push schools in North and South Wales to recycle as many unwanted clothes as possible. The school who manages to achieve the highest weight in clothing will not only receive money for their school, but we will match their money earned and present it to a charity of the schools choice.
We only accept certain items of clothing which can be found on our resources section of our website.
If your school is interested in signing up to our Daffi-Day Scheme, then please give us a call on 01244 952089. We offer indoor boxes, external banks and dragon bags, as well as a Welcome Pack to help get your started.
Don’t forget…The more you recycle, the more your school will make! Let’s make a difference in the world!